Fast, easy dialog editing and code generation.

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Anthemion DialogBlocks is a sizer-based resource editor that quickly gets you creating professional-looking dialogs, wizards and frames for deployment on Windows, Linux, Mac or any other supported wxWidgets platform.

Download the demo for Windows or Linux, then if you like it, you can buy it and turn your demo into a fully working version. The latest official release is 4.25. This has cool new features to help you work with wxWidgets 2.8, including wxAUI support, an improved property editor, a new element palette, and a project analysis tool.

Subscribe to the Anthemion Developer Tools mailing list for discussion and information about new releases.

Buy the first and only book to teach you how to use wxWidgets, available for order via Amazon! The main author is Julian Smart, creator of both wxWidgets and DialogBlocks. Click on the link on the right to order from Amazon UK, or visit the wxWidgets web site for more information and stockists.

"I have just downloaded and tried the latest version of DialogBlocks, and it is really an amazingly good piece of software. It rocks!" - Nicolas
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PC Plus Performance Award DialogBlocks received a Performance Award in the August 2005 issue of the UK magazine, PC Plus.

New! DialogBlocks is now Eee PC-friendly. DialogBlocks' own windows and dialogs have been adjusted to fit the screen on Windows and Linux, and dialogs you create (apart from wizards) will be previewed with scrollbars when necessary. To use scrolling dialogs in your own applications, download wxScrollingDialog. Plus, full-screen mode (F11) gives you more space to work with.

New! DialogBlocks now has an analysis tool for highlighting common problems in your projects, including empty sizers, obsolete styles, and identifier value clashes.

New! We've added a tabbed palette, with elements grouped by category. This visual tool makes it much easier to choose appropriate controls and sizers.

New! We've added a Getting Started guide to the web site to help you set up DialogBlocks and wxWidgets.

New! DialogBlocks Developer Bundle is now available for Windows, conveniently bundling DialogBlocks with wxWidgets 2.8.3 and the MinGW 5.1.3 installer, so you can quickly start developing applications.

New! Version 4 is now available, with a host of new features including wxAUI support, picker controls and other new wxWidgets 2.8 classes, an improved property editor, a new Element Catalogue, and a setup wizard to speed up framework and compiler configuration.


  • spend minutes on your dialog UI, not hours;
  • no more writing complex sizer-based layouts by hand;
  • the chore of adding event handlers becomes effortless;
  • it's like having your own programming assistant updating your UI code.


wxAUI support
New! Now DialogBlocks supports wxAUI - any dialog, frame or panel can be a wxAUI manager, handling sizing and positioning of its child windows.

wxGridBagSizer support
DialogBlocks handles wxGridBagSizer, with drag and drop positioning of controls in a grid.

wxPropertySheetDialog, for settings dialogs
DialogBlocks directly supports wxPropertySheetDialog, for easy editing of your application's settings pages.

Conditional user interfaces
DialogBlocks supports the ability to adapt the user interface to the UI guidelines of different platform. Just mark elements as for one platform (or several), and preview the look for any given platform.

wxFrame, wxMenuBar, wxToolBar and wxStatusBar editing
DialogBlocks handles frames, complete with wxMenuBar, wxToolBar and wxStatusBar.

DialogBlocks now supports validators and custom variables. Just add a variable, select the variable and a validator, and the data transfer between variable and control is done for you.

wxWizard editing
DialogBlocks is the only wxWidgets dialog editor to support in-situ wxWizard editing. You add pages and change the wizard bitmap while viewing the wizard as it will appear to the user. Just add data transfer, validation and page route logic to the generated C++ code.

C++ and XRC output
DialogBlocks exports C++ and XRC (the wxWidgets resource format). You can optionally generate the C++ to reflect the use of an XRC file; or you can leave it to generate explicit control creation calls. The generated C++ needs very few additional changes to get it compiling with your project.

More features...

© 2003-2007, Julian Smart, Anthemion Software Limited