Anthemion Software Ltd. is an independent software house based in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Our aim is to provide exciting applications to help harness your creativity - without distracting you with complexity or imposing arbitrary constraints. Writer's Café is a toolkit for writers that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac. It's built with wxWidgets, a project started by Anthemion's Technical Director, Julian Smart.

Writer's Café is designed and actively used by Anthemion's Creative Director, Harriet Smart, author of five novels published by Headline. So rest assured that we have a good understanding of your creative needs!

Julian is the main author of the first book about wxWidgets, published by Prentice Hall. You can buy it from Amazon in the UK by following the link above.

Writer's Café

Writer's Café Check out Writer's Café 2, a fun-to-use writing environment with notebook, journal, StoryLines drag-and-drop structuring tool, writing quotations, scrapbook and more.

© 2008, Anthemion Software Ltd.

DialogBlocks DialogBlocks is an easy-to-use dialog editor for your wxWidgets applications, generating C++ code and XRC resource files. Edit complex wizards and tabbed notebooks in-situ, add validators and help text.


HelpBlocks Try out HelpBlocks, a cross-platform HTML help editor with some great features for getting your online manual written quickly. Outputs MS HTML Help (.chm) and the cross-platform format wxWidgets HTML Help (.htb).


wxWidgets The free Linux/Windows/Mac cross-platform toolkit wxWidgets is 16 years old, and finding amazing new uses (and distinguished users) all the time. Read more...